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This week is the culmination of almost 5 years hard graft, some very long days, long stretches without days off, and blood, sweat, and tears. It's graduation week! I was…
One of my papers has been recently rejected for the second time and this really affected me badly. Am I disappointed? Sad? Discouraged? Mad? I'm not really sure. The…
  • Guest Author
  • June 14, 2019
This post expresses my frustration; as right now, I feel pretty tired. And my research students form a significant area of my concerns. I am an associate supervisor who…
  • Guest Author
  • June 13, 2019
November and early December were a bit of a blur for me. I found myself socially, physically, and mentally withdrawing from anything that wasn’t getting my work done…
  • Guest Author
  • June 13, 2019
Ever wondered what a PhD student’s desk is composed of? Here, a graduate student will share with you the 16 most essential things that make up their desk.
  • Guest Author
  • June 13, 2019
While I certainly would call myself a procrasti-baker in the most obvious sense of the word – I am certainly guilty of spending my time baking to avoid the mounds of…
  • Guest Author
  • June 13, 2019
Following from Part 1, this time it’s all about the babies really. Over the past four years, our lab composition has seen four new ‘tiny’ additions – our lab members…
  • Guest Author
  • June 13, 2019
I started in the Brown lab in 2006 and I still haven’t left. Most people currently in the lab were probably in primary school when I was doing my Honours. And you may…
  • Guest Author
  • June 13, 2019
I started my PhD program with lots of energy. I loved my topic, I felt that I was going to learn a lot, my workmates were warm and welcoming. In short, everything was…
  • Guest Author
  • June 13, 2019
I’m writing today from a place of exhaustion, defeat, anxiety, and of stress over what’s to come. This semester has been rough. I’ve had some mental health issues acting…