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A few days ago, I attended a conference in Québec City. I don’t consider myself an expert at networking or making the most out of a conference but I really enjoy them. I…
  • Guest Author
  • June 26, 2019
Quitting academia comes with strong feelings of mourning for me. I am sad about all the cells I will never patch, and about missing the excitement of cutting slices and…
  • Guest Author
  • June 26, 2019
Leaving academia: I mourn the ideas that will never turn into experiments
The 2019 Journal Citation Reports was released on 20 June, 2019. The report, which is a combination of impact and influence metrics along with data from Web of Science,…
This article discusses the value of open access to the general public and explores the impact of free access to scientific information and updates on laypersons and…
Human body communication (HBC) uses the human body to transmit power and data, very much like the internet. In a recent study published in IEEE Transactions on…
The third year of your PhD is weird. You’ve passed your qualifying exams, probably have a focus for your thesis, and the second half of grad school lies ahead,…
  • Guest Author
  • June 24, 2019
“You have to do better than this if you want a career,” my professor warned. The words stung and burned into the darkest recesses of my mind, not because I was taken…
  • Guest Author
  • June 24, 2019
I have spent the majority of my working life as a lecturer in a mid-ranking university, and I’ve been reasonably successful at my job. However, I didn’t particularly…
  • Guest Author
  • June 20, 2019
To explain the connection between travelling and science, I’d like to remind you that scientists are in fact real live human beings, not cyborgs who survive only off…
  • Guest Author
  • June 20, 2019
I recently got the chance to work on a project in Dammam and it was a very rewarding experience. I was working alongside a few researchers from King Fahd University, a…