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This past summer was supposed to be my “push to the finish line” and “bring ‘er home” summer. I was originally supposed to submit my thesis on Friday, September 29 – but…
  • Guest Author
  • June 13, 2019
And so the saying goes, as one door closes, another one opens. This is certainly true for me at the moment in academic research – albeit slightly different with a number…
In the South African township where I grew up, we have a special meal on Sundays called “Seven Colours.” It consists of a mishmash of foods and beautiful colors on your…
  • Guest Author
  • June 13, 2019
I am more than familiar with the fears and doubting thoughts that flood your mind before applying for a graduate degree. Although these fears are not necessarily truths,…
One of the hardest things about doing this PhD and all the travelling that comes with it, is the constant transition. I would say jet lag plays a huge part, but even…
  • Guest Author
  • June 12, 2019
bioRxiv has launched a new preprint repository for medical research that will allow clinical scientists to share their research before it is peer reviewed. The platform…
As my codes and latest findings continue to baffle me, I decided to write this blog post on finding my research interest. When people ask me what my PhD is on, I usually…
Some days are great. The sun shines brightly, I have an extra spring in my step, and the world is my figurative oyster. But, some days aren’t all that awesome. Yesterday…
I almost made it all the way through college with barely touching coffee. Sure, I’d occasionally indulge in a white chocolate mocha to get me through finals week, but I…
The time has come! I am finally finished with the first year of my PhD. I am now entering a two-week break before I start work full-time for the rest of the summer…