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In the past, I’ve mentioned on several occasions that I feel like I haven’t achieved anything; or that I’m slacking, and so on. I have also quoted several people who…
I’m in graduate school, and I often struggle with feeling like an impostor. When I get caught up in these low moments of being especially hard on myself and worrying…
  • Guest Author
  • June 7, 2019
It took quite some time for me to get used to my role as a mother and then merge my scientist/professional-me with my mother-me. So, this made it kind of uncomfortable…
  • Guest Author
  • June 7, 2019
As Christmas approaches, I find myself wishing I were still at the beginning of November, when my whole lab travelled to Spain for a lab retreat under the sun. It was…
  • Guest Author
  • June 7, 2019
As of today, Mr. PhD and I have been in a relationship for an incredible 3.5 years! We persisted, and slowly but carefully pushed forward. And the hidden romantic in me…
  • Guest Author
  • June 7, 2019
Lately, my Master’s has started to feel more real than ever before. I am putting the teeny pieces together, and it’s like a gazillion-piece jigsaw puzzle! I’ve realized…
Plan S, an initiative by cOAlition S to make facilitate immediate and open access to scientific research, has been delayed by a year.  cOAlition S announced that the…
Launching into Honours, I had a few preconceived ideas of what it would be like. However, it was only until I started experiencing Honours first hand, that I realized I…
  • Guest Author
  • June 5, 2019
On July 1, I entered a new phase in my academic career - I officially became an Associate Professor with tenure. Tenure at my institution occurs at an accelerated pace;…
I left academia a bit over a year ago and I now work as an R&D scientist in a company. Recently, my new PI asked me what people outside of academia do in a random…
  • Guest Author
  • June 5, 2019