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During the summer of 2017, I conducted fieldwork in rural Punjab, Pakistan. I have always been conscious of the disadvantage through which people struggle, but as a…
  • Guest Author
  • June 11, 2019
The British Journal of Anaesthesia published a research with two conclusions as part of an extraordinary peer review trial with a view to broaden the scope of…
When I meet another person pursuing their PhD, I am almost always tempted to ask them, “So, what brings you here?” This might actually interest me more than their…
  • Guest Author
  • June 10, 2019
Some days I might be knee deep in a marsh, breathing in deeply the weird smell I’ve come to love, thanking my favorite deity, i.e. Mother Nature, that I don’t have a…
  • Guest Author
  • June 10, 2019
I have written and finally submitted the first draft. But reaching this milestone has meant working every day, for the last month or so at least. Which means I have not…
I recently came across a blog post about dealing with going back to work after your maternity leave. It made me think about the one thing that I did when returning to…
  • Guest Author
  • June 7, 2019
The other day, I had an encounter with an unfamiliar academic who has left a huge impression on me. Concerned with some public activity on their social media, I…
My first day at Homerton College brought back memories of my first day at secondary school. Although there were familiar faces, embarking on the MEd course was…
  • Guest Author
  • June 7, 2019
A few weeks ago, I realized that I had finally hit the upward swing of the independence curve, often associated with a doctoral student’s research journey. My…
I’m writing in the arid, breezy shade outside my £10-per-night hotel in northeastern Uganda. I’m trying to take a break from PhD life – not really. Being an ethnographer…
  • Guest Author
  • June 7, 2019