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Once the test was over, and the applications were in, I had all the time in the world to think about what was bothering me outside of work. And I realized that I was…
  • Guest Author
  • June 20, 2019
Global survey throws light on people’s perception of science and healthcare. 54% of the respondents confirmed a medium level of trust in scientists, revealed the survey…
While most of my job involves sitting at a desk, I am fortunate that for three months a year I live in a tent, explore remote places, and dig fossil bones out of the…
  • Guest Author
  • June 20, 2019
Authors are sometimes reluctant to discuss the flaws in their study, as they believe that this might jeopardize their chances of acceptance. However, hiding the…
130 papers by Indian research institute have been flagged on PubPeer for possible image manipulation. According to reports, a three-member committee will investigate the…
A group of researchers from Japan has recently discovered a novel enzyme from a soil fungus. In their study, they speculate that this enzyme plays important roles in the…
Undertaking a PhD is a long-haul and one of the key qualities you need is stamina. I’ve honed my stamina by running and long-distance walking. Each summer I’ve walked a…
Taking a break from my PhD is something I don’t do often enough. Not because I can’t, but because I feel that I shouldn’t. This is something I am very bad at doing and…
  • Guest Author
  • June 14, 2019
Hello world. I am still here. As in, still alive, still able to write, and still capable of posting on my blog. And I’m also still here. As in, still a PhD student,…
My age insecurities, my natural shyness and tendency to use class time to its fullest has been working against me in terms of finding “my people.” I’m sure that I’ll…