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I have never done things small. Today, on the brink of turning 32, I am about to have my first baby. And also, today I finally got full IRB approval for my dissertation…
In my second term at Cambridge, one of the trainers in the Researcher Development Programme asked me: “Do you think that you are not smart enough for Cambridge?” Sadly,…
Last week, I had my PhD viva, and I passed! I remember that my emotions were jumbled up at the time, and it just felt very surreal. Now that some time has passed since…
The year 2017 was always going to be a pretty stressful year for me. It symbolised the culmination of four years of hard work, continuous mental angst with the imposter…
I have had a lifelong love affair with math and science. At the end of college, I had no ideas about what to do with my life. I finally found my way to a PhD program. I…
  • Guest Author
  • June 26, 2019
If you’ve ever taken a history class, you know that it entails a lot of reading. And last semester, when I wasn’t reading, I was writing. In those rare moments when I…
I’ve been doing my PhD for two months now. I’ve always had a curious personality and I enjoy learning. There’s something exciting about performing research first-hand…
  • Guest Author
  • June 26, 2019
Seven years ago, as a graduate with a Biology degree, I was at a career crossroads. Pursuing a doctoral degree was a very straightforward and tempting option. But I knew…
  • Guest Author
  • June 26, 2019
Being at the final stages of a PhD means that either you are about to go into the deep end or about to climb another hill. It is an uncharted territory because, after…
It wasn’t too long ago that I finished my PhD. I vividly remember feeling elated that I had completed the journey, and also the feeling of relief that I am free from the…