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I always had a hard time saying NO. Every time I did, it felt like a missed opportunity. I wish I had infinite time and say yes to all the cool opportunities I get. But…
Epigenetic regulation—modification of gene expression from the “outside”—is an important part of the overall genetic processes within a cell. A group of scientists from…
A new research integrity committee will monitor misconduct investigations conducted by UK universities. The committee will work under United Kingdom Research and…
Understand what China's Belt and Road Initiative is and how science is an important aspect of the plans. 
It’s that time of the month again when we bring to you some of the most happening discussions from the scholarly publishing world.
A Russian website offering authorship in accepted research papers for a price is being probed for malpractice. Read on to know the reaction of the industry to this…
Springer Nature and ResearchGate have rolled out the second phase of their open access pilot. Four times more Springer Nature articles will be uploaded on authors’…
University of California recently lost access to the latest articles in Elsevier journals. Researchers affiliated with the university have been asked to rely on…
In a new study, Professor Hideo Noda of the School of Management at the Tokyo University of Science examined data from 34 OECD countries and appraised the effects of…
New study reveals surprising gender disparity in work–life balance
Are you confused between some elements of a research paper? Do you often mistake one for another? This article lists some of the most commonly confused elements of a…