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To say that my boat ride to Small Gobal island in the Middle East was an adventure would be an understatement. Due to the high winds, the boat was uncomfortably vertical…
Back in school, one Mr. Alan Bootle gave me a very important lesson on believing in myself, having confidence in my abilities, and believing that I am better than I…
When I was little, I told my mom I wanted a dead mouse collection. Although my mom was used to my strange ideas, she put her foot down saying dead mice weren’t the best…
Let’s face it, grad school is selfish! It’s all consuming. It is a giant monster that bursts into your life and suddenly begins to eat up everything you love as you try…
The typical lab meeting lasts one to two hours and occurs at 10 am on Fridays. We try to minimize the “pressure” of presenting at lab meetings by permitting small and…
  • Guest Author
  • June 20, 2019
For outsiders, it might seem that I easily balance my two roles. After all I recovered from pneumonia, won a boat race, and am mostly on track with my…
  • Guest Author
  • June 20, 2019
Before 2011, I had never thought that one day I would choose to do a PhD. But I did it! Although I have not suffered from ‘permanent head damage,’ I do consider it as a…
  • Guest Author
  • June 20, 2019
Data gathering for my PhD is turning out to be a nightmare! Sure, my Master’s was tough. So tough that the year I got divorced doesn’t even compare to the one during…
Sometimes, I feel like I’m living life as a Marvel character: scientist in the light, social entrepreneur in the shadows, struggling at both. But I cannot complain!…
I knew a PhD would be hard, and I knew that poor mental health was rife in the graduate community. This is probably why it took me so long to realize that I was…