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I always wanted to be sure I would always have something to fall back on. With my structures of certainty, I could do anything. That was, until I lost just about…
When total lockdown was annnounced in my state, my husband was out of town. With a sisnking feeling, I realized that I would have to manage a pressing research deadline…
After analyzing the composition of soil samples across a large mountainous region in Southwest China, a team of scientists from the Chinese Academy of Geological…
I was self-sponsoring and even without the equipment, my research would have dug deep into my pockets. How I wish I had the money to carry out my research!
I am still waiting for funding opportunities to be able to pursue research
As an academic it’s a tough time, although many of us are taking online classes and helping our students to the best of our ability.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has halted an innovative coronavirus testing program by a Seattle research team that first detected the spread of COVID-19 in…
Whilst in some ways I feel I have adjusted a little too well to lockdown life, other aspects are very difficult to get used to. For instance, the passage of time.
One of my main research goals for this year is to conduct a clinical study on feeding tubes, as the problem needs to be fully identified before thinking of a solution…
Verbal communication is becoming increasingly important for academic success. Here are some tips for effective verbal communication in situations you might commonly find…
I had to cancel my wedding because of COVID-19. My PI and institution’s unrealistic expectations only added to my troubles. I now keep myself motivated by thinking about…
  • Guest Author
  • May 26, 2020