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You’ve worked hard and think you’re on a winning path when you submit your manuscript to a top academic journal, only to be derailed by a peer review. Here's how authors…
Vaccine makers across the world are racing to develop protective coronavirus vaccines, using both traditional and innovative approaches. This article provides a summary…
These quotidian goals are also a way to challenge myself to listen to others and to read from different perspectives, and offer a chance to reflect on our complicated…
Alzheimer’s disease progressively degrades a person’s memory and cognitive abilities, often resulting in dementia. Amid efforts to find novel treatments for this disease…
The quantum spin liquid (QSL) state is an exotic state of matter where the spin of electrons, which generally exhibits order at low temperatures, remains disordered. Now…
Cancers cells use a special technique to propagate; they delete their “programmed death” gene through mutation, “forget” to die when their lifetime is over, and continue…
The need to first zero in on a blood group can delay blood transfusions in emergency situations, and this in turn can prove fatal. Thus, to speed up the process, a team…
Why wait nervously to see how the post-COVID-19 world unfolds? Empower yourself by acquiring the skills you always wanted to and take a step closer to success.
A research team from Fujita Health University, Japan, has found that bacteria of the genus Bartonella release a protein that stimulates the production of new blood…
Earth’s geographical surfaces have been formed over millions of years. Although various geological theories aim to explain their formation, the southern Tibetan Plateau…