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I am a researcher from an ordinary public university in South Brazil. For many of you who follow the news, this simple information speaks for itself. My colleagues and I…
Cactus Communications will host a virtual conference for academic societies and publishers on May 21-22, 2020. The two-day free event will have KOLs and thought leaders…
In the midst of the mounting uncertainty around COVID-19, all of us are facing challenges. It is okay to ponder what tomorrow will bring, to make projections and…
A dissertation or thesis defense is difficult at the best of times. But what happens when you have to defend your research online during a global pandemic? Here are the…
Because I was experiencing mild flu-like symptoms, I started self-isolating 2 weeks before official restrictions were introduced. My productivity was impacted, but I…
In the meantime, life had of course not stopped elsewhere. My landlord back in Nigeria persistently messaged to inform me that he had sold the building where I was…
When I first left for university, I realized, by no choice of mine, that I am gay. It was a long, tough road to accept this about myself, but I am gay and I am here and…
  • Guest Author
  • April 27, 2020
My life has been affected in multiple ways. Most importantly, the uncertainty that this pandemic is producing has undoubtedly modified my plans for the next few months…
Many researchers are experiencing anxiety while trying to work from home during the COVID-19 lockdown. This aricle shares some tips to deal with these distressful period…
Researchers and journal editors from around the world are working hard to publish relevant findings quicker and making them more accessible in multiple ways. PubSURE’s…