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What role does mentorship play in an academic career? What can mentors and mentees do to build a strong mentoring relationship?This post is a compilation of views on…
Nine years back a small team of three started a project to help researchers around the globe achieve their goals. Today, that project has evolved into a phenomenal…
Struggling to achieve your writing goals? Guilty of procastinating? This article has some ways to deal with the feelings that might be keeping you from achieving your…
Up to 52 papers published by Gregg L. Semenza, one of the 2019 laureates for Physiology or Medicine, have been scrutinized for potential image manipulation. This article…
Alessandro Checco is Assistant Professor at computer science department, University of Rome La Sapienza ( He’s a mathematical…
Beginning next year, the journal eLife will change its publishing model. No longer will decisions to reject or accept papers be made following the peer review process…
The results of the CACTUS Mental Health Survey indicated that 37% of more than 13,000 worldwide respondents reported experiencing harassment or bullying in their…
As part of our International Open Access Week 2022 celebrations, we want to bring you varied perspectives from researchers, publishers, and other stakeholders in…
With the US government being one of the world’s biggest funders of research, the new OSTP policy has sparked widespread reactions globally. During the International Open…
Experts and KOLs from the scholarly publishing industry are voicing their opinions on climate research being open accessible to all. To explore how openness in science…