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Writing to a journal can be stressful for authors. This article gives some useful tips for you to communicate with your journal effectively.
When a research paper is written in overcomplicated language, it could attract negative comments from reviewers or journal editors because the research is unclear. Here…
If you choose to pursue a PhD, carefully reflect on your interests, skills, and long-term expectations. Here are some points that you can keep in mind when making this…
Few academics realize how much of their time is claimed by writing and yet, they would rather do anything else other than write. If that sounds like you, here are some…
The Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment offers a path towards changing the current narrow criteria used to assess research, researchers, and research…
Bullying is something that everybody understands is bad, but it remains rife in many fields, including in medicine, the military, and primary or secondary education…
Read Jeong-In Yun's journey from being a PhD in biopharmaceuticals to working for a drug-synthesizing company as an organic synthesis researcher before finally starting…
Shut Up & Write is a unique online co-working session where a small group of researchers come together on a fixed day of the week for an hour of focused writing…
It is no secret that academia has a dark, expansive history of bullying. Over the past few years, a growing body of evidence has suggested an alarming rate of bullying…
Gerlind Wallon is the deputy director of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). A German native, she graduated with a PhD in Biochemistry from Brandeis…