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In this post, we have listed some writing resources that will help any research chemist, and indeed, many other scientists.
We had invited researchers around the world to ask questions related to research communication and challenges that they face while presenting data visually. Fabricio…
Creating scientific figures is a simple and effective way to boost the value of your research. Check out this article to learn how to make a good one.
Shinichiro Takezawa completed his PhD from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo and went on to establish several companies…
On December 5, a group of 17 University of California (UC) academic workers held a sit-in at the UC president’s office in Sacramento. After a few hours, they were…
We published 243 content pieces on Editage Insights this year, and this post has some of the most interesting and well-received ones.
It is critical that individuals in the scientific or academic fields understand the distinction between a graphical abstract and an infographic, as they do not serve the…
November 10 marks the 21st World Science Day for Peace and Development. Here, we discuss the theme of this year’s World Science Day and why it is significant. 
The 2022 Lancet Countdown report, themed “health at the mercy of fossil fuels,” was issued on October 23, 2022. The report is the result of a collaboration of 99 experts…
The reality is that while earning a PhD degree, a researcher gains core skills that are fundamental to success in diverse careers. That is why, these are recognized as…