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This is an interesting take on mentors and mentees by Dr. Asli Telli is Associate Professor and a Research Associate through a remote fellowship at WISER, Witwatersrand…
In conversation with Christopher Leonard, Director of Strategy & Innovation at Cactus Communications, about his views on how ChatGPT may find use in research and…
Communicating with a journal can be challenging, especially for newer researchers. This post covers the three aspects you need to consider.
This article takes a closer look at the multifarious skills researchers need to be successful and how institution leaders can cultivate an environment that allows the…
This is an interview with Shingo Ebata, a Ph.D. in cosmochemistry from Hokkaido University, about his journey from being an assistant professor to becoming a Senior Aide…
This post suggests some ways journals can adopt to attract high-quality submissions.
ChatGPT, an AI chatbot released by tech company OpenAI is making immense foray in academia. The authorship of research papers and preprints are being credited to the…
Several technical terms in the field of chemistry may be misused or confused with other similar terms. Here are some common errors of this type that researchers often…
This post lists five movies that portray applications of real-world science, allowing us to explore and marvel at the possibilities that science can offer.
In this post, our senior editor has answered some of the most pressing questions about ChatGPT.