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The German budget plan includes a 3% yearly increase in research spending; the number of yearly evaluations for institutions is likely to rise too.
One of the reasons why I love the hashtag #ScientistsWithTattoos on Twitter is that it demonstrates one of the many ways that scientists are also people with…
I am outing myself as a disabled scientist. I have a hidden disability and this gives me the luxury of being selective in letting people know about my disability. I was…
The early stages of a scientific career are designed to be unstable, sling-shotting you from place to place as you acquire new skills. I bucked this paradigm somewhat in…
It would be great to live in a world where your fashion choices didn’t influence what people think about your competence or abilities as a scientist. Sadly, we do not…
About a month ago, I was invited to talk to a group of young ladies about my favorite topics. I immediately said yes, because what could be better than chatting about my…
One of the things I like about what I do is the strangeness of my everyday situations. There’s more of the boring old ‘sitting at a computer’ situation than I would like…
After a brilliant break over Christmas and New Year’s, I felt a little lost with where to start, in the huge pile of work I had to do. Luckily, I started off the year…
Burnout is something I have a close, complex, and personal relationship with. I treat my work like an endurance sport; it’s a long-term race that doesn’t end. I am…
  • Guest Author
  • May 6, 2019
One of the things that I love about any kind of large writing project is how it evolves over time. Ideas change, theories develop, and the more familiar you are with the…