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I’ve had the most amazing first year as a PhD student, and an exciting summer as well! It’s been challenging at times, but always rewarding. I’m really looking forward…
So, exactly one month ago today, I was on my way to my very first day as a PhD-er. I was a bundle of nerves, terrified I was going to get lost in the roundabouts of…
Thousands of researchers in Argentina joined a nationwide strike last week to protest the austerity measures announced by the government. The scientific community’s…
I had the hardest semester of my life but I got something great out of it. I started a new job this fall – one of my top-choice careers, at one of my top-choice…
  • Guest Author
  • May 3, 2019
My postdoc PI was extremely disappointed and he told me, "You know that if you leave academia, there's no coming back." After 3 years, I think he was totally correct,…
When I first left academia to sell analytical equipment to universities, everything was new and different. It took a while to get used to having extra time on my hands,…
I became pregnant with my son a year and a half into my PhD program on purpose. I say on purpose because one of the more shocking things that happened to me during my…
In February, days before my wedding, I started experiencing severe pain. Within a week, I had seen 3 doctors, gone to the emergency room, and was diagnosed with an…
How does one know if they have work-life balance? Is there a formula, an ideal? Has anyone calculated the optimal percent of time and energy that should be spent and…
Since receiving his PhD from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1991, Prof. Youngmin Kim has been teaching literature in English and critical theory at the…