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I recently read an article that described the stereotypical scientist as an older white male in a white lab coat and goggles, probably holding a test tube of some sort…
I sit here at my computer in my kitchen, wearing PJs and surrounded by Kleenex stained black with mascara. I came home sick from work, so the multitude of Kleenex is…
  • Guest Author
  • April 30, 2019
Collaborating is not always easy – people have different styles, habits, and preferences for just about every stage of a project, from brainstorming ideas to writing up…
I couldn’t believe it when our doctor first called to say that I was pregnant! I wasn't sure who to tell. But when my boss asked me for an updated plan for our upcoming…
  • Guest Author
  • April 30, 2019
I have been really busy the last several weeks working on writing my dissertation and preparing to teach an Introduction to Ecology course. All the time spent staring at…
Read through our top picks for this month and fill your appetite for interesting news and goings-on in the scholarly publishing world. Happy reading!
Despite the fact that I told people I wanted to be a field biologist when I was 10, I lost sight of that ideal during high school. Career tests don’t usually turn up …
Support systems are not easy to set up, maintain, and especially to mend if they have fallen apart. They require care, time, and emotional energy, and these things are…
Three weeks into my leave, my boys went on mid-year school holidays for 3 weeks. I worked, but at half-pace and my quiet was gone. It was frustrating and difficult. I…
Many young researchers shy away from the idea of networking because in their minds, networking involves sleek managers in fancy suits flashing business cards at each…