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The presence of articles from predatory journals on PubMed is now a budding concern among the research community. There have been multiple instances where researchers…
I almost chickened out, but I ended up getting coffee with the socially anxious PhD whom I recently met at a talk. I agonized over the meeting all morning and ended up…
  • Guest Author
  • May 16, 2019
Last week, I spontaneously decided to go to a talk given by one of the first black women to receive a PhD in her field. While the speaker was taking questions, someone…
  • Guest Author
  • May 16, 2019
My postdoc hadn’t worked out. The first sign that things were going wrong came before my official start date, but it wasn’t until approximately 2 months into the postdoc…
After you receive the rejection email from a grad school program you applied to, the questions always come. What could I have done differently? Was my file extensively…
Life is changing, yet again, and I have to find time to keep doing important things. We all dream of a stable future devoid of inconveniences. It is perhaps, how we…
  • Guest Author
  • May 15, 2019
Over a year ago, I decided to work towards broadening my horizons and investing in my growth. So I applied for a scholarship. A few weeks later I received a call,…
  • Guest Author
  • May 15, 2019
You could argue that my current position as a statistician is a result of an intense desire to avoid any more chemistry courses as an undergraduate student in Biology…
Three years into my statistics PhD and I’m finally starting to get a feel for what a ‘typical’ day means for me. My life is currently a balancing act between research,…
One year ago today, I officially started my PhD journey. I remember feeling pretty lost and a little overwhelmed, but also had this ball of excitement in the pit of my…