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Exactly a year ago, we started sharing monthly updates about trending discussions in academic publishing. Continuing this initiative, this month, we'd like you to read…
This article explains some points of style in scientific writing related to using negative exponents in expressing rates.
This post provides factual information and submission tips about the journal Nature Methods for the researchers who plan to submit articles to the journal.
Nature Methods: Quick facts and submission tips
A thesis and a journal article are two different sub-genres of academic writing. This article explains the difference between the two and provides tips on how you can…
In an unprecedented move, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has charged OMICS Group, Inc. for deceiving researchers and academicians about publication fees, peer…
The impact factor has for a long time been a measure of journal prestige. Most authors wish to publish their papers in the so called high impact journals, even though it…
Chasing the impact factor: Is it worth the hassle?
Aspiring scholars rightly recognize publication of their first peer-reviewed paper as a critical career milestone. It signals active engagement with the discourse in a…
English language journals are rapidly being launched in China by Chinese universities and publishers, according to The Publishers Association’s new report PA Market…
China is increasingly launching English journals, a report says
What are the correct ways of including citations into the text of research papers? This article illustrates two ways of inserting citations into research papers…
This post summarizes the information of interest to potential contributors to the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.