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On July 10, Thomson Reuters announced plans to sell its intellectual property and science business to private-equity funds affiliated with Onex Corporation and Baring…
The German government has signed an agreement to fund 1000 new tenure-track positions in an attempt to improve the job situation in the country. This announcement, made…
Getting scooped is a major fear that most scientists battle. It can be extremely upsetting if an author gets scooped due to delays in the journal publication process. As…
Editage, a leader in English-language editing and publication, has partnered with Knowledge E, a provider of research and publishing services, to provide manuscript…
Over 1000 researchers in Canada are protesting the changes in the peer review system rolled out by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), a federal funding…
Jon Tennant completed his PhD from the Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London. His research focused on patterns of biodiversity and…
This post offers information and tips to authors planning to submit a paper to the journal Corrosion Science.
Success in academia is increasingly tied to public engagement, and scientists have to engage with the media to promote their research and explain its significance to the…
In June, most of the discussion in scholarly circles revolved around misconduct, corruption and credibility in science, the future of science communication, and of…
Britain’s exit from the European Union (EU) has sent massive shockwaves throughout the world. While the economists and politicians are worried about the economic…