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Did you know that you can avoid some of the most common reasons for journal rejection by paying attention to a few details while writing and submitting your research…
On November 1, Springer Nature announced that Springer and BioMed Central have decided to retract a total of 58 articles published by Iran-based authors across seven…
Some of you would agree that staying on top of the happenings in the scholarly world this month was no mean feat! To ensure that you didn’t miss out on any of the buzz,…
Authors often avoid publishing in open access journals as they are under the misconception that all open access journals charge high APCs. But what if one of the co…
How can more scholars and journals embrace preprints to make research freely accessible? How are new uses of preprint servers changing the academic publishing landscape?…
How researchers and journals can use preprints to make research freely accessible
As an author, are you interested in whether or not to publish your research in an open access (OA) journal? OA publishing has come under a lot of scrutiny in the…
Today is the start of the International Open Access Week (also known as OA Week), an annual event organized by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition …
Editage Insights celebrates "Open in Action" during Open Access Week 2016
Presenting at an academic conference is an opportunity that most young researchers look forward to. However, addressing a large audience can make you feel nervous, at…
8 Tips for presenting a paper at an academic conference
The ethics of research in traditional medicine have recently been hotly debated. This post helps authors understand the ethical principles governing publication in…
It’s that time again, when all eyes and ears are turned towards the most important announcements of the year – the Nobel Prizes. Let’s take a look at this year’s Nobel…