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Edgar Guevara is currently a CONACYT research fellow at CIACYT-UASLP and member of the Mexican National System of Researchers. He has been the technical specialist of a…
The John Maddox Prize for the year 2016 has been awarded to leading cognitive psychologist Professor Elizabeth Loftus at the University of California, Irvine, as "her…
This article explores five of the most popular tools that researchers are leveraging within Meta Science to stay on top of their research, collaborate with their peers,…
November was an eventful month for researchers and non-researchers alike. While Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential elections was much talked about, some other…
Synopsis: Often, predatory journals send email invitations to authors to submit their articles and lure them into paying APCs with assurances of publication. However,…
Alvaro E. Migotto is former Director of the Center of Marine Biology (CEBIMar) at the University of São Paulo in Brazil. He received his Doctoral degree in Zoology from…
This month marks the third anniversary of Editage Insights, and we want to thank each one of you for your readership, participation, and feedback. Take a look at what we…
Brazil's new government headed by President Michel Temer is attempting to pass a constitutional amendment that would hit science funding hard. The Brazilian science…
The election of the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump as the President of the United States has sparked strong reactions among academics. How would science…
In this interview, Dr. Caven Mcloughlin – Ph.D., Professor, Kent State University, Ohio USA – shares useful advice for researchers at all stages in their academic career…