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Danielle Padula, Community Development Coordinator at Scholastica, is responsible for managing Scholastica’s blog and social media activity. She also develops content…
Scientists have been long accused of remaining confined to an ivory tower with little or no connect to the non-scientific community. But this will change on Earth Day,…
"Don’t take my word for it, but being a scientist is about being a skeptic," says Tim van der Zee in this post. Read on to know why he thinks scientists should be…
A lot has been happening in the scholarly circles this month: from Trump's first budget proposal, to NIH allowing preprints in grant applications, a sting operation…
Dr. Kim Holmberg is a postdoctoral researcher at the Research Unit for the Sociology of Education (RUSE) at the University of Turku, Honorary Research Fellow at the…
Axios Review, an independent non-profit peer review service announced that the company plans to shut down and, effective immediately, they will stop accepting further…
U.S. President Donald Trump released the blueprint of his first federal budget for the next year on March 16. He proposed severe cuts to the science budget, sending…
Trump's first budget proposal spells disaster for U.S. science agencies
Is there a way to ensure that your results do not end up being irreproducible and you do not face retraction as a result? In this post, Ira Krull discusses all aspects…
Dr. Jonas Ranstam, a medical statistician, was the overall winner of the Sentinels of Science Awards (2016). He was affiliated with several institutions, including Lund…
As an author, you want to get published in the right journal by the right editor. Terry Monahan, Managing Editor of the journal Eye and Contact Lens shares her top…