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If the month of July seemed to whizz past while you were hard at work, we have you covered. This month was interesting because there were several noteworthy happenings:…
The International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP) announces its second Asia Pacific Meeting, being held 5 September 2017, at the Hilton Tokyo in…
Last week, the U.S. government announced that it plans to bar its citizens from traveling to North Korea. This move is being contemplated due to the risk of "long-term…
In the face of growing distrust of science and facts, and the erosion of editorial quality by dishonest online publishers, credible journals must be increasingly…
Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal and Campaign for Accountability accused Google of “paying academics to publish research favorable to the company’s policy and…
More than six months into his presidency, the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump has not yet appointed a science advisor and has displayed no definitive…
Since 1983 David A. Pendlebury has been a citation analyst at Clarivate Analytics, formerly the Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters. After…
Register for Cabell’s International webinar "Cabells Whitelist & Blacklist Demonstration; New Web Interface and Features," to know more about their new features -…
A recently published report titled China’s International Scientific Research Collaboration Landscape, jointly produced by the Chinese National Center for Science and…
Editage and Editage Insights (Editage’s author resource platform with an independent editorial team) will be part of these upcoming conferences - 4th Annual Conference…