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I wanted to write about my experience of simlutaneously being a PhD student and a parent. There are sacfricies - my children and partner see a little less of me but I am…
  • Guest Author
  • February 7, 2019
The longest government shutdown in the U.S. history has come to a temporary end but what impact has it had on the federal agencies in the country? Read on to know more. 
When people asked me about my career goals, I would lie and say “I don’t know.” But that wasn’t my story.  I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I desperately wanted to be…
The first month of the New Year has already gone by! We hope you have had a great start. If you have been too busy to catch up with all the happenings in the academic…
I am on Day 26 of continuous writing, with no respite. That, and in my ‘spare time,’ I’m undertaking another research job and grappling with a different university’s…
An international collaboration of Scientists at Dongguk University developed a novel nickel-based hydroxide compound that can be used as a powerful catalyst for the…
Scientists at Dongguk University (Prof. Ki Kang Kim) in collaboration with scientists from other institutes (KIST (Dr. Soo Mim Kim), Sungkyunkwan University (Prof. Young…
Synthesizing crystalline films that neatly arrange themselves
Choosing between the active and passive voice can be particularly confusing in academic writing. This article will help you understand how to make the …
 Scientists at Dongguk University have found a way to create printed p-channel thin-film transistors by using the abundantly available and environmentally friendly…
Like many others who have traversed academia before me, my journey includes a lot of grappling with my own mental health. It is no secret that life as a graduate student…
  • Guest Author
  • January 25, 2019