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I’m very privileged – I have a supportive family, supportive friends, a loving partner, a nice, safe place to live, health insurance, clean running water, and all of my…
Karen Uhlenbeck wins the Abel Prize, becoming the first woman ever to win the honour. Her contributions have led to some of the most notable developments in the field of…
Out of a sense of mutiny about the world around me, I decided to fail the final exams of my Bachelors’ degree. It was my way of rejecting the life imagined for me by…
Norway becomes the latest country to cancel its Elsevier subscription, leaving thousands of scientists without access to the publisher’s newest articles, while the…
Recently, I posted on Facebook about how well I'd done academically this past semester as a full-time student who works full-time and also, somehow, found the time to…
  • Guest Author
  • March 15, 2019
Newer forms of unethical practices are on the rise in the acdemic publishing world, taking unsuspecting authors by surprise. When a dissatisfied author gives a negative…
Trump’s budget proposal targets science federal agencies once again, drawing criticism scientists and agencies. Various research projects and healthcare programs are…
French theoretical physicist and founder of the Dolos list, Professor Alexander Georges, shares his views on the emergence of predatory publishing and discusses how this…
This week was the deadline of my first ever real grant application. It’s been pretty hard work, but in a strange way I’ve kind of enjoyed it. I get the impression from…
I was first introduced to coding when I attended an introductory bioinformatics workshop in 2014. Little did I know that this was the beginning of my transition from…