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The inclusion of North Korean researchers in international research projects and collaborations is highly restricted. However, last month, a top university from North…
Doing a dissertation is an emotionally draining process - a known fact! Despite having several different ways of coping, I sometimes find myself crying. And I am not…
Sometimes, I cry while working on my dissertation
Errors in word usage account for a significant proportion of language problems in research papers written by non-native English speakers. This article lists some…
Artificial intelligence is of huge interest to researchers as it has the potential to change the course of scientific discovery. While AI-powered applications in…
If you followed me to work every day, you would think that my job is to be a face. Here are the glowing reviews: a NASA Goddard space science consultant, an…
Catch up with some great discussions from the scholarly publishing world. Check out our top reading picks for you this month.
Duke University has settled research misconduct lawsuit with a reimbursement of $112.5 million while the whistleblower who filed the lawsuit will receive more than $33…
Duke University to pay $112.5 million to settle research misconduct lawsuit
A presubmission inquiry helps you find out if a journal would be interested in your research without you having to go through the processes of manuscript submission and…
I have been thinking recently about my PhD journey. While it may seem that my journey was a bright and shiny thing, this is not completely so. Towards the end of 2010, I…
Science journal Nature and Altmetric have received funding from the Google Digital News Innovation Fund to build an innovative tool that will measure the real-world…