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Dr. Chabrol is a full-time science communicator and event organizer. She is the International Director of Pint of Science, a global festival that aims to get scientists…
An entire month, and of course an entire year, has gone by! Some interesting discussions and conversations marked the month of December in the academic publishing and…
As a year-end special, we asked you to reflect on the year gone by and share with us your ‘2018 Academic Highlight’—that special moment or experience that stood out…
A few years ago, as part of my professional doctorate, I started a diary about my working life. I turned to my diary when things went wrong. And my diary entries were a…
The U.S. government announced a partial shutdown for an indefinite period of time after failed negotiations on December 21 between lawmakers and the White House, which…
The Max Planck Society of Germany, one of the largest research organizations in the world, announced that it will not renew its subscription with Elsevier as a gesture…
Doing science, as I recall, wasn’t an ordained destiny I wished to pursue. As a kid, I was always driven by curiosity. I asked questions constantly and never held back…
I had to face my demons to choose the career I really wanted
When it comes to academic publishing, typically, researchers think of publishing original articles, which form the bulk of primary research articles. The research that…
Two weeks ago, I gave a talk to over 1200 people, and I almost quit a minute before I was on. I panicked. How could I carry that stage and all of those people’s time on…
After almost four years of struggling, today, I handed in my PhD thesis. In only a few months, I will be a Doctor in Linguistics. But I can’t help but wonder – what have…