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Do you know what academics were talking about in 2019 on Twitter? Learn more about the most thought-provoking discussion around mental health, struggles in academia,…
Environmental scientists are always in search of new tools that can better characterize the Earth’s surface. In a new study published in Scientific Reports, a group of…
As the year 2019 is coming to a close, can you think of the events or news that caught your attention? While a lot has happened over the past year, we have tried to…
10 Developments in academia that made headlines in 2019
An in-depth look at the various personal attributes that make for successful researchers, including how renowned researchers down the years have personified these…
An in-depth look at several recent initiatives taken by various Indian stakeholders to improve the quality of research in the country
A recently discovered autoimmune disease is the IgG4-related disease that affects millions and has no known cure. Previous research indicates that T cells and the…
We conducted a free AMA session for researchers on the popular Chinese platform ScienceNet and set up a panel of three researchers. This post introduces the panelists…
Do you want to know how to make your communication catchy and engaging? Here are seven tips to help you. 
Seven secrets of stylish academic writing
Mistakes in representing numbers and units of measurement can leave scope for misinterpretation of your data. This article will help you understand the common mistakes…
A group of 43 leading publishers and scholars from 10 countries met in Canada to define predatory publishers and journals. Read on to know more about the definition and…