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A report commissioned by the UK Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation lays out the direction and vision for UK research and innovation…
The increasing number of devices connected over wireless networks is causing channels of information flow to be congested with heavy information traffic. In a new study,…
Translated plagiarism occcurs when translated material from publications in a different language is used without citing the source. This form of plagiarism is difficult…
The principal scientific advisor to the Indian government recently shared that the country would not adopt Plan S and would instead develop an open access framework that…
Your Research. Your Life. Your Story. is a platform that features some really great and inspiring personal stories of researchers and academics. This is a forum on which…
Take a look at some of our most interesting picks from the month of October in academia. 
The UK's largest funder, UKRI, has released a statement expressing its stance against bullying and harassment in research and academia.
In this article, Dr. Ben Britton - a Senior Lecturer and Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow at Imperial College London - shares a few tips and tricks to try to…
A group of scientists from Japan has made an α-gel with a compound resembling a main component of the moisture-holding layer on our skin. The characteristics of this α…
This post presents the key results from the Grant Review in Focus report, a global survey by Publons on grant peer revieweing