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Spintronic devices, which use electron spin to process data, are emerging at the forefront of semiconductor applications. Staying a step ahead, scientists from Korea…
Here is a short and quick roundup of what was on academics’ minds on Twitter this month.
If the idea of writing a research paper is making you anxious, this article is for you. Learn how you can make a dent in your writing project by creating the first draft…
Over the past few years, mental health in academia has begun to receive more and more attention—a welcome development since mental health concerns among researchers had…
The PhD program is extremely long and the path is anxiety-ridden, often painful and frustrating, and can take a toll on you physically and emotionally. Therefore, it is…
Cactus Communications, a global scientific communications company, announced that it has acquired UNSILO, a Denmark-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural…
As such the difficulties and variables in the project were tough to deal with; my supervisor’s behavior added unnecessary ambiguity and uncertainty to the situation,…
  • Guest Author
  • January 24, 2020
Combinatorial optimization problems arise in everyday situations such as determining the shortest route that can be taken between multiple points. Researchers at the…
During your research journey, you are likely to go through phases when you feel unsure about how you’re doing or find it difficult to deal with specific situations. You…
I was blessed to find a great guide... She was a strong source of support and guidance for me throughout, lifting my spirits when I was demotivated, sharing her…