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Many preprint servers are struggling to survive due to financial constraints, and some might have to close down soon. This is an aftermath of a move by the platform that…
If you’ve not practiced self-care from an early age, you may find it difficult to practice. After all, it is more than just a checklist with boxes to be ticked off. Here…
My wait to get into a PhD program was around four years long – not surprisingly, though, my personal life couldn’t wait. 
The 2019 novel coronavirus (CoV) causes fatal pneumonia that has claimed over 1300 lives, with more than 52000 confirmed cases of infection by February 13, 2020, all in…
I was not prepared for what my interactions with them unveiled. I found that the desire to learn, explore, and ponder the mysteries of life could not have been stronger…
Conversion of energy is a constant process but measuring the efficiency of this conversion is not an easy task. Quantifying the heat emission of the object that absorbs…
Towards a sustainable future: Novel technology to measure energy conversion efficiency
Choosing the correct research methodology can determine the success and overall quality of your report. It is hence essential to get the initial stage of your research…
Self-care is a rather broad concept and if you’ve never consciously focused on yourself, it might be difficult for you to know how to practice it. Did you know that…
We may get so accustomed to the presence of stress, anxiety, and self-doubt that some subtle, yet telling, changes in our thought patterns and daily routines may go…
Elsevier has removed one of the world's most highly cited researchers from its editorial board after investigations revealed he was engaging in editorial malpractices