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If you’ve ever been rejected by your target journal, don’t panic; you’re not the only one. With an increasing number of manuscript submissions every year, it’s only obvious that quite a few manuscripts would join the reject pile.
Line edits, copy edits, proofreading, substantive edits, manuscript critiques… it is enough to make anybody’s head spin. More so for authors trying to decide what kind of service they need at what stage of their article, book or manuscript.
Editing is broadly classified by level of service into proofreading, copyediting, and substantive editing. Of these, the last is the most comprehensive. So, what exactly do substantive editors do? All that copyeditors and proofreaders do and much more! They cast a critical eye over all components of your document and see whether these link together as a coherent whole. They will
If you think that “a face in caps and braces” means a person’s countenance in more than one protective headgear and a mouth full of wire, you are a normal human being. However, if the first thing that comes to mind is a style of type in CAPITAL LETTERS enclosed in {curly brackets}, then you are that rare breed of copy editor who is immersed in the world of publishing
An editor will read your draft and make changes to improve the structure, flow, and logic. A good editor will be a subject matter expert, who will review your paper critically and edit it to convey your ideas clearly. A good editor is also aware of the audience at whom the manuscript is aimed, and will suggest changes that will help your manuscript appeal specifically to that audience.
If we take a good, long look at the world around us, we can begin to appreciate how different human society is. In the evolutionary race, humans have progressed the farthest and the quickest compared to other organisms around us. One of the most important contributors to us winning the evolutionary race has been effective communication between individuals so that the society, as a whole may thrive.
Academic editing is a specialized comprehensive service that apart from improving the language and formatting of your document, also helps strengthen, streamline and highlight your ideas and arguments, while removing repetitive data.
Most of us have come across the term “editing” in many contexts, the most common being in newspapers and film media. However, many of us are unaware that there are also different types of editing tailored for different types of documents, because one size does not fit all!
Both proofreading and copyediting services involve close and cautious reading of a document.
Proofreading and copyediting are often assumed to be the same; but, they are not. Contrary to popular belief, a copyeditor is not a glorified spell checker. The copyeditor is your partner in publication. To “copyedit” a document is to proofread it with the added expectation of ensuring style consistency with other content from the company or publication. Copyediting is also known as “sub-editing” in the UK, Australia, and elsewhere.
As you can see, editing and proofreading are two different stages of document preparation. Every author invariably hires a professional proofreading and editing service once he/she has finished writing the first draft of the document.
Proofreading is the final quality check performed with the intention of detecting and eliminating errors such as typographical and grammatical inaccuracies.
Most proofreading services hire only professional proofreaders who have a trained eye for detecting errors in your document. However, proofreading is a meticulous and tough task that requires the proofreader to evaluate every sentence for misspellings, grammatical inaccuracies,
Copyediting involves taking ‘raw’ text and making it ready for publication by improving the consistency, style, formatting, and ensuring the accuracy of the content.
An unpublished document such as a book, research paper, or report, is referred to as a manuscript. Documents with high publication value typically require multiple rounds of revisions.
International collaboration among companies, organizations, and professionals is growing rapidly. Thus, communicating technical information with other companies, agencies, and audiences has become important.
Researchers in various fields of science report their findings, analyses, and deductions in the form of a scientific research paper. Scientists face tough competition to publish in their respective fields.
Among the plethora of manuscript editing services, few offer end-to-end services. Academic editors who can guide you not just through the editing and polishing of your manuscript but also with responses to reviewer comments, choosing the right journal, etc. make manuscript submission and publication a smoother process; this is especially helpful if you are submitting a manuscript for the first time.
Documents like college essays, cover letters, grant proposals, research manuscripts, novel drafts differ in their content, purpose, and target audience. Each of them require a different approach while editing.
Whether you are a novice research student or a published researcher, presenting years of research in a document while complying with word limitations and subject-specific conventions can be a daunting task.
All our editing plans come with 100% confidentiality and quality guarantee.
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