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As we talk about trust in peer review, the theme of Peer Review Week 2020, we asked top-journal peer reviewers to share their views on this integral process. Read on to…
The refrain of “peer review is broken” or “science is broken” is reaching a crescendo. Researchers often ask, “If papers with flaws pass peer review, why am I struggling…
English is not the first language for most of the world’s researchers, who are vying to get their work published in top peer-reviewed journals. In fact, even native…
Today, even top researchers, editors and publishers are frustrated with the peer review system. So, what can or should be done to improve trust in the peer review system…
In Peer Review Week 2020, we discuss trust in peer review with a focus on the main challenges for peer reviewers, and whether AI and technology can change scholarly…
The words “published in a peer reviewed journal” are sometimes considered as the gold standard in science. But any professional scientist will tell you that the fact an…
Academic review process was different in Einstein’s time. In his brilliant career, the only time his work was subjected to blind peer review – the authors don’t know the…
Is the need for speed and urgency being balanced by the need for quality in peer review during COVID-19? This article briefly explores this question.
This post summarizes the main results of a survey on trust in peer review among Chinese researchers. 
At first, it seems AI and peer review have nothing in common. Peer reviewers are human, and no machine has (yet) come up with the ability to read a paper and decide if…