
Career Growth

This article is a summary of why you should try to engage with policymakers and how you can make a real impact.
In a previous article, Dr. Mindy Levine shared excellent guidelines on what reviewers look for in a grant proposal. This article expands on those tips and will guide…
This article takes a closer look at the multifarious skills researchers need to be successful and how institution leaders can cultivate an environment that allows the…
This is an interview with Shingo Ebata, a Ph.D. in cosmochemistry from Hokkaido University, about his journey from being an assistant professor to becoming a Senior Aide…
With the rapid expansion of knowledge, science needs to become increasingly collaborative. This article talks about some ways by which collaboration benefits research…
Research visibility is an important aspect of research, learn techniques to increase the relevance of your work.
This post talks about what are keywords, their importance in any academic writing, and how to choose suitable keywords for your manuscript or scholarly article.
We had invited researchers around the world to ask questions related to research communication and challenges that they face while presenting data visually. Fabricio…
Shinichiro Takezawa completed his PhD from the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo and went on to establish several companies…
It is critical that individuals in the scientific or academic fields understand the distinction between a graphical abstract and an infographic, as they do not serve the…