
Researchers and Their Stories

For most people, a quick overnight stay in London, and a two day conference would not be anything to worry about at all. But for me, it's a whole different story. I am…
When I first got diagnosed with anxiety and mild depression, I felt ashamed of it. What did I possibly have to be depressed about? I had amazing friends and family, a…
It’s been nearly four months since submission. The early glow of handing the thesis in has worn off.  I am at a loss to what my future will hold. I’m riddled with…
The period of completing the first draft was probably the toughest period I’ve ever had psychologically. I questioned every life decision I ever made. I was so lost in…
Who knew that being on a huge stage talking about bird sperm could be so much fun? All summer I’ve been working on my presentation and it’s been one of things that I’ve…
Last week, I participated in the Ecology Across Borders conference, where I was uber excited to do my first real conference talk! When I spied an opportunity to come to…
Completing a PhD is like running a marathon. You can approach it as a race and attempt to finish first, or you can merely focus on finishing. Instead of pacing…
By my colleague’s measure, I may have committed career suicide multiple times. Right now, at this moment in time, I feel both confident and challenged by my career for a…
I completed my PhD very slowly. Here is the short version of a long story. My PhD was poorly planned. I didn’t have a well-defined topic. I worked four days a week in an…
We talk a great deal about mental stress, and even the emotional toll that a PhD process can take on students, but I have not yet seen very much written about the…