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The role of a corresponding author is an important one in the publication process. This post gives you a brief idea of what it means to be a corresponding author of a…
In our drive to bring you the best resources to boost your career progression and add to your bank of knowledge, we published close to 600 content pieces throughout 2017…
This month, our editors have curated a list of some of the most exciting discussions in the academic publishing community. These revolve around topics as diverse as peer…
The only way to ensure that people understand science is to communicate it in a way that enables them to absorb it easily and comprehend how it impacts them.  A 1985…
On Dec 21, Elsevier announced that it is in the process of retracting 26 papers across six of its journals due to peer review manipulation and authorship irregularities…
With more than 2.5 million new research articles published annually, it has become increasingly important to find ways to make research findings stand out. Universities…
The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has decided to reverse net neutrality in the country. This means that going forward, Internet service providers can…
When talking about the state of innovation in the scholarly communications industry, it is pertinent to mention that the researcher life cycle continues to be bookended…
If you think that journals are in the content business, here is a different perspective. The author of this article believes that the journals are in the "assertions"…
Prof. Lex Bouter is among the 400 most influential biomedical researchers in the world and a distinguished name in the field of research integrity. Following a PhD in…