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The world of academia has caught the social media bug. Academics across varying career stages have taken to using Twitter to share a variety of messages, both…
Although the month of February is typically shorter, there has been no dearth in the buzz in the scholarly world. From trending discussions around the definition of the…
Academic publishing and scholarly communications: Good reads, February 2018
Academia has traditionally been perceived as a dull world that has no room for humour and fun. But such an opinion is far from the truth. Putting such misconceptions to…
PaperHive is a free web platform for researchers to transform reading of scientific research articles into a social and active collaboration. Understand how you can…
Sci-Hub, the site that provides free access to pirated academic papers, hit a bumpy road last year when it was ordered to pay damages worth $15 million to Elsevier and…
Aashima Dogra and Nandita Jayaraj are independent science journalists and founders of the unique project “The Life of Science,” a platform that features interviews with…
Some stakeholders of scientific research believe that the problems that plague scientific research and scholarly communication can be resolved to a large extent with the…
Before using animals for an experiment, you need to get approvals from relevant regulatory bodies and ethics boards. These bodies help ensure that animals used in…
For many, postdoctoral life coincides with taking on new personal responsibilities that may include starting a family, buying a house, or paying off student loans. A…
The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced earlier this month that it plans to discontinue the PubMed Commons service from February 15, 2018 due to low…