Dealing with negative peer reviewer comments can be a tough experience, and if the comments are harsh, they can be even more dispiriting. This article will help you understand how to cope with and…
Literature search, in general, is quite a time- and effort-intensive task. It is therefore quite likely that researchers and clinicians involved in interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary projects end…
A concept paper is a preliminary document that sets out to explain what a proposed study is about, why it is being undertaken, and how it will be carried out. Find out how to write it in using this…
Only one in three researchers in the world is a woman, according to recent estimates by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). Men continue to dominate science, technology, engineering, and…
The refrain of “peer review is broken” or “science is broken” is reaching a crescendo. Researchers often ask, “If papers with flaws pass peer review, why am I struggling to publish?” If this sounds…