Santa Cruz Biotechnology, a large biotech company and a major antibody provider, has been fined $3.5-million by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) for violating animal welfare regulations. Apart…
Retractions are central to academic publishing, but they have been too journal-centric and stereotyped. Therefore, researchers hesitate to disclose even honest errors in their papers for the fear of…
On May 13, the U.S. government announced the launch of a National Microbiome Initiative to study and map the microorganisms that live in the atmosphere, in or on the human body, and any other…
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) announced that it has delisted about 3,300 titles in order to ensure that questionable and inactive publishers do not find their way into the directory.
Should access to academic research be free? In the past year, this seemingly moral issue took a legal twist with Elsevier suing the founder of Sci-Hub. This website which provides unauthorized access…
In a surprising move, Brazil’s president Dilma Rousseff signed a law that would allow the sale and production of an untested cancer compound called synthetic phosphoethanolamine. The law that came…
International mobility among researchers has increased, and policymakers are interested in knowing the factors that influence researchers’ employment decisions. This post highlights some of the…
The UK Biobank, a nonprofit biological data repository, announced its plan to create the biggest database of scanned images of internal organs. The project aims to use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI…
“Should I stay in academia or join the industry?” is a question every PhD student or postdoctoral researcher faces as he or she draw closer to completing research. This post will take a closer look…
The London Book Fair (LBF), which is now in its 45th year, will take place from 12-14 April 2016. This event is an amalgamation of readers, writers, publishers, and even gamers who exchange ideas and…