With transparency and reproducibility coming under the spotlight, we frequently encounter statements such as “Science is broken” and “Science needs to be fixed.” Therefore, to ensure the credibility…
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters announced on March 15 that the Abel Prize for 2016 was awarded to Sir Andrew J. Wiles from the University of Oxford, “for his stunning proof of Fermat’s…
Many researchers indulge in what is known as ‘outcome switching,’ which means the trial report does not include outcomes that are part of the pre-registration, or includes new outcomes without any…
A recently published paper titled “Trends and comparison of female first authorship in high impact medical journals: observational study (1994-2014)” reported that female first authorship among…
Asia is one of the powerhouses of global research and development performance, and the Republic of Korea has emerged as one of the leading Asian nations in terms of innovation and economic growth.…
Researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Oregon State University, and the U.S. Coast Guard wanted to establish a standard for ambient noise in the Challenger Deep…
In an effort to put a stop to the current Zika virus outbreak, some leading academic journals, health bodies, research funders, and research institutions have signed a declaration to share relevant…
Globally, science and technology is making great strides. Remarkably, developing nations are fast catching up with the developed nations in terms of R&D investment, technological advances,…
Amgen, an American multinational biopharmaceutical company headquartered in California, announced in a press release that it will publish three studies that failed to confirm the findings in a new…
Time and again, the media has been accused of distorting the image of science. But is bad journalism the only reason behind the mistrust in and misrepresentation of science? A recently published…