Society relies on researchers to be creative thinkers and problem-solvers, advancing the frontiers of human knowledge and finding answers to some of the most complex problems in the world. But are…
Is the need for speed and urgency being balanced by the need for quality in peer review during COVID-19? This article briefly explores this question.
This post summarizes the main results of a survey on trust in peer review among Chinese researchers. 
This video briefly describes the mechanism underlying the infection of human cells with SARS-CoV-2 and the main biomolecules implicated in the process so far.
An infographic presenting an overview of the probable sequence of events leading to the emergence of COVID-19
This infographic offers a snapshot of the common diagnostic tests used for COVID-19.
This is an infographic summarizing the key aspects of COVID-19 epidemiology known so far.
An infographic summarizing the most important measures for controlling the spread of COVID-19
This article features infographics showing the results of surveys on how COVID-19 has affected researchers in Japan and Korea.