This infographic provides an overview of what is known about five drugs currently being tested for COVID-19 treatment. 
Researchers and journal editors from around the world are working hard to publish relevant findings quicker and making them more accessible in multiple ways. PubSURE’s manuscript evaluation tool…
Over the past few years, mental health in academia has begun to receive more and more attention—a welcome development since mental health concerns among researchers had not been traditionally…
This article discusses the value of open access to the general public and explores the impact of free access to scientific information and updates on laypersons and their understanding of science. 
Editage's recently released Global Author Survey Report, based on the perspectives of almost 7000 researchers worldwide, highlighted the gravity and types of problems faced by researchers, especially…
What resources would help author’s editors working on scientific manuscripts perform their tasks more efficiently? This article published in Learned Published presents an experience-based opinion on…
The involvement of multiple individuals in different capacities naturally evokes the question of who should be credited and held accountable for the research published, especially since careers,…
Comments by peer reviewers and journal editors are meant to help authors improve their manuscript. Follow the three golden rules mentioned in this article when responding to reviewer comments.