WORKSHOP Journal Editors’ Roundtable: Common reasons for Desk Rejection

 Journal Editors’ Roundtable: Common reasons for Desk Rejection

Gear up for an insightful September as we dive into the second session the Journal Editor’s Roundtable series. This time, we have the wonderful Laura Dormer who is the co-Founder & Editorial Director of Becaris Publishing. She’ll be in conversation with Roohi Ghosh to demystify desk rejection and share strategies for publishing success. She will also respond to questions. So send in your queries to us or ask them during the live session.

Topic: Journal Editors’ Roundtable: Common reasons for desk rejection and how to avoid them

Date: September 10, 2024

Time: 1 PM GMT

Fees: Free webinar

Language: English

About the webinar

Have you ever faced the disheartening experience of having your manuscript rejected right at the editor’s desk? You’re not alone—desk rejections are common in academic publishing, with rates as high as 75-80%. But what sets successful researchers apart is their ability to bounce back stronger and smarter.

Join our second webinar in the Journal Editor’s Roundtable series, where leading journal editors will discuss why desk rejections happen and share strategies to help you avoid them. In this month’s session, you’ll learn how to avoid desk rejection by knowing some very common reasons editors reject manuscripts. Don’t miss this chance to gain valuable insights and improve your chances of getting published.

About the speakers

Laura Dormer, Co-Founder & Editorial Director, Becaris Publishing Ltd, UK

Laura Dormer is Co-Founder and Editorial Director of Becaris Publishing, publisher of the Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (JCER) and The Evidence Base website. Laura has worked in publishing for >20 years, and has launched numerous successful journals, including JCER, which has led to her particular interest in the fields of health policy, HEOR and RWE. Laura has been Editor-in-Chief of Learned Publishing since 2022, the official journal of ALPSP; she is an active member of ISMPP; and is an author of GPP 2022. Her key areas of interest include industry practice, publication ethics, patient engagement and plain language content.

Roohi Ghosh, Ambassador, Researcher Outreach, Engagement, and Success, CACTUS, Co-chair Peer Review Week Committee, Vice Chair, EASE (India Chapter), Peer Reviewer, European Science Editing

Roohi Ghosh is the ambassador for researcher success at Cactus Communications (CACTUS). She is passionate about advocating for researchers and amplifying their voices on a global stage. With over 17 years of experience in the field, she understands the unique challenges that researchers face and the importance of their work in advancing knowledge and improving society. Through strategic outreach and engagement efforts, she works to build bridges between researchers and other stakeholders in academia to foster productive partnerships that lead to greater success and impact for the research community. She co-chairs the Peer Review Week committee, ALPSP’s Open Peer Review Special Interest Group and the EASE India Chapter and serves on various other committees, including the Scholarly Kitchen Cabinet.

Secure your seat today. Hope to see you there.

Happy learning!

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Calendar Icon September 10, 2024, 13:00 PM - September 10, 2024, 14:00 PM UTC