Detailed question-
I am using Turnitin (licensed version) to check plagiarism in my paper. I am not sure about setting the parameters, particularly the word count (whether it should be 3 or 8 as the default). How do…
1 Answer
You have two-three questions and one overall concern: reducing / avoiding the similarity…
I received a decision of ‘accept after minor revision’ for my submission to a Springer Nature journal. I made the revision and resubmitted in the last week of November 2020. It was updated to ‘…
3 Answers
Firstly, congrats on your paper being accepted! So, we can understand that, if along with being…
Last December, I submitted my paper to a Springer Nature journal. This April, we received the reviewer's response and resubmitted after correction on May 18. The status of the paper was 'Submitted…
Hi Ramesh – Welcome to the forum!
To start off, six months since submitting your paper is a bit of a while, but given that it’s a Springer Nature journal,…
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