Infographics & Downloadables

Career Growth

On Think Academia, we asked the academic community to chime in with what might have made their academic life easier. Be it job security or networking and support…
This is an infographic, created by Mind the Graph, on the top 5 challenges associated with this form of publishing.
This downloadable handbook is a peer reviewing guide specifically developed for early career researchers so that they feel empowered to build their reviewing ability and…
Download this free handbook to know how you can forge your identity as a peer reviewer and harness the potential of peer review to your advantage.
There are several myths and misconceptions around mentors and mentoring. This infographic busts 6 common myths around mentoring.
This infographics gives you some tips to consider when crowdfunding your researh project.
Visual elements play a vital role in your research. They enable you to present complex data in a simplified manner that further allows readers to engage with your…
Looking forward to attending academic conferences this season? Here are 15 tips that will help you maximize your conference experience.
The academic conference season is here! Buckle up to attend some great conferences happening out there. Why you ask? This infographic lists 8 reasons why you…
Writing a persuasive grant application can be tricky for some researchers. To make sure you have all the help you need, we’ve created a comprehensive infographic listing…