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scope and delimitations

The refrain of “peer review is broken” or “science is broken” is reaching a crescendo. Researchers often ask, “If papers with flaws pass peer review, why am I struggling to publish?” If this…

How to choose journals for submitting your paper

There are some common criteria you should consider when choosing a journal to publish in. Once you have a publication strategy in place, choose journals that meet all of your criteria.

Journal indexing tips for journal editors

By getting your journal indexed in a well-known database, you can increase its visibility, accessibility, and readership. This post provides an overview of indexing and shares some common journal…

Interview with Jing Duan, Managing Editor
Jing Duan, PhD, was the Managing Editor of Acta Ecologica Sinica (International Journal) and Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. Since 2011, she started representing the Ecological Society of China…
Don’t know where to start? 6 Tips on identifying research gaps

Your research project must attempt to fill in a gap in knowledge to make a novel contribution to science. For your article get published in an influential journal, you…

3 Tips to write informative and logical headings

Typically, readers see the title of a paper and, if that interests them, skim through the paper, looking at tables and figures and headings. Therefore, headings offer…

Opportunities for AI in publishing are expanding rapidly. AI provides exciting opportunities for designing intelligent products and devising novel service offerings. Aided by an array of AI…

Indeed, China’s academic publishing industry is thriving, offering its scholars thousands of journals to publish in. However, when benchmarked against journals from English-speaking countries

Find the most essential information you will need to submit research papers to Energy, the journal published by Elsevier.

The work of peer reviewers can remain somewhat mysterious, particularly for the less experienced authors. To better understand the work of a reviewer, their decision making, and what they look for…