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scope and delimitations

manuscript status

Most journals have online submission systems, which have definitely made it easier and quicker for authors to submit their manuscripts. Once a manuscript is submitted…

This blogpost covers things you might want to consider if you want to be involved in SDG research, and provides resources that offer a wealth of information, data, and guidance for conducting…

The supplemental data are crucial to many papers. This post answers some common questions about supplemental data, how they can help you, how they can be used responsibly, and some best practices…

Unaffordable housing is a growing worldwide problem. In a recent review published in the International Journal of Urban Sciences, researchers…

Behind the scenes: How a journal editor reaches a decision on a manuscript after peer review

Once a paper is submitted to a journal, authors eagerly wait for the editorial decision. But how does the editor actually take the decision on a manuscript? This…

Secondary research – the basics of narrative reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis

When it comes to academic publishing, typically, researchers think of publishing original articles, which form the bulk of primary research articles. The research that falls into a somewhat less…

International mobility among researchers has increased, and policymakers are interested in knowing the factors that influence researchers’ employment decisions. This…

For many young researchers Nobel Laureates are like celebrities who can only be emulated from a distance. Every year, the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings give about 500…

Dr. Helle V. Goldman is the Chief Editor of Polar Research. She shares the importance of polar science, how to avoid mistakes during a journal submission, and what to consider when choosing a journal.
The IP Tightrope: Balancing Intellectual Property Development and the UN SDGs

While the connection between IP and attaining the SDGs is not obvious, IP deserves some attention for its role in development efforts. Here, I make a case for IP as a vital tool for meeting the UN…